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  • Главная | Mysite

    Hello dear friends! I am very glad that you visited my site. I sincerely hope that you can find useful information here. The idea of creating a site has been hatched for almost 9 months and has only now come true. You can get acquainted with me in the "Portfolio" section. My "Essay" will give you an idea about me, or rather about how I came to the profession of "teacher". Children can find interesting and useful information in the "Pupils" section, and parents can find tips on raising and educating their children in the "Parents" section. In the section "Teachers", "Class teachers" posted material for you, dear colleagues! I would be grateful for your feedback, suggestions and comments in the "Feedback" section . In the "Blog" section you will find the latest news in the field of education and upbringing. Have fun! Отзывы посетителей сайта

  • Конспекты уроков | Mysite

    Lesson notes Reproduction and development of mammals Biocenoses Scenario of the All-Russian eco-lesson "Mobile technologies for ecology" Scenario of the All-Russian eco-lesson "Keepers of Water" The scenario of the All-Russian reserve lesson Lesson Plan "Fabrics" Mammal Diversity Lesson Plan Summaries of biology lessons for grade 7 according to V.V. Beekeeper Summaries of biology lessons for grade 8 according to V.V. Beekeeper Summaries of biology lessons for grade 9 according to V.V. Beekeeper Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch

  • Обратная связь | Mysite

    Dear friends! Here you can leave feedback, as well as send questions or suggestions. Send message Submitted. Thank!

  • Рабочая программа | Mysite

    Рабочая программа Рабочая программа по дополнительной образовательной программе "Экспериментальная зоология" Смотреть

  • Полезные советы | Mysite

    Useful Tips Unified State Exam. Psychologist's advice In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” How to teach a child to memorize material In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Rules of Safe Conduct on the Internet (Memo for Parents) In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” The commandments of reasonable parenting To read To read To read To read How important it is to be able to turn your features - albeit disadvantages from a generally accepted point of view - into advantages and benefits

  • Подготовка к ГИА по химии | Mysite

    Books to prepare for the GIA in chemistry Dear Guys! For you, I have collected books, textbooks, manuals for the study of chemistry and effective preparation for the GIA. Organic chemistry. Crib Chemistry in tables and diagrams Chemistry in 24 hours A.Yu. Stakheev. All chemistry in 50 tables G.P. Khomchenko. Chemistry textbook for university applicants K.K. Kurmasheva. Chemistry in tables and diagrams The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables 700 chemistry problems with examples of solutions Demo version of OGE chemistry 2020 Demo version of the exam chemistry 2020 Watch Watch

  • Нормативно-правовые документы | Mysite

    Normative legal documents Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Federal educational standard of basic general education In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Federal educational standard of secondary general education To read To read To read

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