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I love children! And this became the main thing

When choosing a profession from among many,

After all, since childhood, she dreamed of only one thing, -

About a difficult teacher's road!

Therefore, and therefore

No long thoughts -

And the next step

There was a university!

Student years

They fly like a bird ...

And here I am again at school -

Now I'm teaching the guys!

Made friends quickly

With inquisitive people,

Creativity for us -

The process is mandatory.

Such a path is lovely for disciples,

When I take a look with them

Actively learning and playing

In "Great Biology" the country.

Olympiads, contests

Don't let you get bored:

So many interesting things

I would like to know.

The classic of the "Golden Age" told

“What is our life? A game!". He's right a hundred times over!

The game is always side by side with the person

Carries thirst and passion for knowledge!

A game! Her feature is as follows:

Assumes a creative goal,

Gives with excitement, attracts, captivates,

And creativity is the cradle of talent!

Experience has shown many successes,

I am sure that progress is on the face

And using gaming technology,

I will develop an interest in learning.

(The poem was written for the competition of young teachers "Discovery" by S.E. Radzievsky and T.I. Marchenko)


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