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Essay on the topic: "Vocation"

Teacher - that sounds proudly!

Increasingly, children ask me the question: "Why did you become a teacher?"

And I always answer them: "It was my dream!" And so it is.

I knew that I would work as a teacher from about the 3rd grade. I was unsure only when choosing a profile, that is, what subject do I want to become a teacher?

When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be the same as my first teacher Valentina Nikolaevna Makridina, the same kind, sympathetic, moderately strict, cheerful, and most importantly, loved. Years go by, I grow up, plans change, I am in love with history ...

I carefully prepared for my chosen profession: I bought books, made cards, wrote something that remotely resembled lesson notes. But by the 11th grade, the story bored me. It happens…

How I chose biology as my companion, I still don’t understand and don’t remember. It was a moment that I do not regret at all.

Five years at the university only proved once again that I made the right choice. This choice was not easy for me. It was five years of struggling with my fears, complexes that I won.

I thought all the time about the correctness of my choice. And only practice at school made it clear to me that teaching children is my vocation!

September 1, 2012 is the beginning of my life as a teacher. The first bell, the first lesson, the first change ... The only thing I remember is my fear and the curious eyes of the children. It’s scary that I don’t know anyone, little experience, great responsibility. It’s scary that all of a sudden I’ll not be able to fully explain, teach, invite me to the land of knowledge with me!

Being a teacher is not easy, being a teacher is interesting. You are constantly developing. By teaching others, you learn yourself. I am always ready to learn something new, improve my knowledge, gain experience and share all this with my students. I try to make my lessons bright, fun and memorable. When preparing for lessons, I always strive for positive results. But anything can happen in our work, so I am ready to help students if they need additional help.

In my still small professional experience, there were many different situations. There was joy and there was disappointment. There were times when failures gave up, and wings grew from victories and successes, I wanted to create even more, share everything you know. Experienced colleagues who are always ready to help in difficult situations help me to believe in myself, dispel my doubts, take the first steps.

Teachers are happy people, because every day they see burning children's eyes, hear words of gratitude from children who have already become relatives.


How much love and fire do you need

To remember

To believe

To make people understand me ...

I do not regret choosing this particular profession, and I am proud to say: "I am a teacher!" I love children, and even more I love working with children. The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy said: “If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. "

You see, mom, I'm a teacher!

You see - I walk, turning pale, into the classroom.

It was decided to entrust them to me,

Forty souls and eighty eyes

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