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  • Учителям | Mysite

    DEAR COLLEAGUES! This page was created especially for you. Information will be updated whenever possible, so stay tuned to stay informed. Here I have collected everything that every biology and chemistry teacher needs. I want to get ahead of you and warn you that the materials I have provided are NOT a standard. These are just my developments that I use in my teaching activities. You can use them as an example, or you can immediately print and use them. Good luck in job!

  • Публикации | Mysite

    My publications International scientific and practical conference "Natural resources, biodiversity and prospects for natural science education", Omsk, September 2012. III Interdistrict scientific-practical conference of young teachers of the Omsk region, Omsk, April 2013. International correspondence scientific conference "Theory and practice of education in the modern world (III)", St. Petersburg, May 2013. V International Scientific Conference "Topical Issues of Modern Pedagogy", Ufa, May 2014. TO READ TO READ TO READ TO READ

  • Полезные ссылки | Mysite

    useful links Dear Guys! For you, I have made a selection of useful sites: Ctege More than a lesson! All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Open biology Rent GIA The official portal of the GIA: OGE and USE FIPI Electronic textbook on biology PostScience Mega-encyclopedia of animals "Quantum" magazine for the curious Encyclopedia "Around the World" Interactive multimedia textbook "Organic Chemistry" Library of video lessons of the school curriculum

  • Конкурсы | Mysite

    Contests Dear Guys! Especially for you, I have prepared a list of competitions in biology and chemistry. You just have to participate! Regional competition dedicated to the International Day of Birds Interregional Ecological Festival of Children and Youth Creativity "White Birch" Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of youth research works named after IN AND. Vernadsky P.A. Manteuffel for the best junior research work in the field of zooology and wildlife conservation Regional stage of the All-Russian Environmental Forum "Green Planet - 2020" City conference of students in grades 5-11 of budgetary educational institutions of the city of Omsk, subordinate to the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Omsk, engaged in educational and research activities "Steps to Science" International Scientific and Practical Conference "World Environment Day" (Environmental Readings - 2019) Scientific and technical conference of JSC "Gazpromneft-ONPZ" Open educational and research conference of schoolchildren "Seek. Dare. Create" All-Russian festival of creative discoveries and initiatives "Leonardo" Scientific-practical conference of students of municipal educational institutions "Omsk and Omsk: past, present, future" Regional competition of creative works "Healthy lifestyle through the eyes of students and schoolchildren of the 21st century" All-Russian event "Blue Ribbon" Chemistry Experts Tournament Intellectual game in the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle "Know the Truth" Open city competition of research works and projects of junior schoolchildren "I am a researcher" City intellectual game "District Six" for students in grades 7-10 of budgetary educational institutions of the city of Omsk All-Russian competition of scientific research works named after D.I. Mendeleev Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a researcher" Regional stage of the Russian national junior water competition All-Russian competition "Yunnat" Regional junior forest competition "Teenager" All-Russian competition for young environmental researchers Regional competition "My small homeland: nature, culture, ethnos" Regional festival of children's creativity "Beauty will save the world - 2019" Regional ecological and biological tournament Regional meeting of young zoologists All-Russian chemical tournament for schoolchildren Tournament of young biologists Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren and student youth Regional environmental competition "Solid municipal waste is our common problem" Regional intellectual ecological marathon "Ecologist of the Year"

  • Рабочие программы | Mysite

    Work programs Biology Biology work program for 5 grades Watch Biology work program for grade 9 Watch Biology work program for grade 10 Watch Biology work program for grade 11 Watch Biology work program for grades 10-11 (elective course) Watch Chemistry Work program in chemistry for 8 grades Watch Chemistry work program for grade 9 Watch Chemistry work program for grade 10 Watch Chemistry work program for grade 11 Watch Work program in chemistry for 10 grades (profile level) Watch Work program in chemistry for 11 grades (profile level) Watch

  • Подготовка к ГИА по биологии | Mysite

    Books to prepare for the GIA in biology Dear Guys! For you, I have collected books, textbooks, manuals for studying biology and effective preparation for the GIA. A.V. Pimenov. Full preparation course for the exam A.V. Matalin. Biology in tables and diagrams, grade 6-9 V.S. Rokhlov, S.B. Trofimov. Biology. Man and his health. 8th grade V.M. Konstantinov, V.G. Babenko, V.S. Kuchmenko. Biology. Zoology. 7th grade V.P. Viktorov, A.I. Nikishov. Biology. Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms and lichens. 7th grade G.I. Lerner. Biology. Complete guide to prepare for the exam Yu.A. Sadovnichenko. Universal student guide A.V. Teremov, R.A. Petrosov. Biology. Biological systems and processes. Grade 10 A.V. Teremov, R.A. Petrosov. Biology. Biological systems and processes. Grade 11 N.M. Kireeva. Biology for university applicants (methods of solving problems in genetics) G.I. Lerner. Biology. Complete guide to prepare for the exam I.V. Bolgov. Collection of problems in general biology with solutions DI. Solovkov. Unified State Exam in Biology. Practical training G.L. Bilich, V.A. Kryzhanovsky. Biology for university applicants R.G. Zayats, V.E. Butvilovsky, V.V. Davydov. Biology. Full preparation course for the exam A.G. Lebedev. Preparing for the biology exam A.Yu. Iontseva, A.V. Torgalov. Biology in diagrams and tables A.A. Kamensky, N.A. Sokolova, A.S. Maklakova, N.Yu. Sarychev. Biology. Independent preparation for the exam Biology. 10-11 grade G.L. Bilich, V.A. Kryzhanovsky. Biology. Complete course. In three volumes. Volume 2. Botany G.L. Bilich, V.A. Kryzhanovsky. Biology. Complete course. In three volumes. Volume 3. Zoology T.A. Shustanova. Biology Tutor: Preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Final Certification: for those entering medical educational institutions Demo version of the OGE biology 2020 Demo version of the exam biology 2020 Watch Watch

  • Биография | Mysite

    Biography Date of birth: 03.05.1989 Marital status: married, 1 child Home address: Omsk region, Pavlogradsky district, with. Milogradovka, st. Mira 18/1 Contact phone: 8-950-797-70-24 Email: Place of work: MBOU "Pavlograd Lyceum named after BM Katyshev" Institution address: 646760, Omsk region, Pavlogradskiy district, r.p. Pavlogradka, Tytar st., 5 Phone: director's reception: 8 (3172) 3-11-82 Email: Website address: Education: 2006-2011 GOU VPO Omsk "Omsk State Pedagogical University". Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. Specialty "Biology" with an additional specialty "Chemistry". Diploma qualification: teacher of biology and chemistry. 2011-2013 FSBEI HPE "Omsk State Pedagogical University". Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. Specialty "teacher education". Diploma qualification: Master. 2015 FSBEI HPE "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports" under the program "Management of the organization" (diploma of professional retraining). 2017 - present. FSBEI HPE "Omsk State Pedagogical University". Department of Life Safety Fundamentals and Biology Teaching Methods. Postgraduate studies (correspondence department). Experience: 2011-2013 BOU DO Omsk "Children's EcoCenter". Position: teacher of additional education. 2012-2017 BOU of Omsk "Secondary school № 109 with in-depth study of individual subjects." Position: teacher of biology. 2014-2016 BOU of Omsk "Secondary school № 109 with in-depth study of individual subjects." Position: deputy director for educational work (internal combination). 2017-2020 BOU of Omsk "Secondary school №24". Position: chemistry teacher. 2018-2020 BOU of Omsk "Secondary school №24". Position: deputy director for educational work (internal combination). 2020 - present. MBOU "Pavlograd Lyceum named after BM Katyshev". Position: teacher of biology and geography.

  • Контроль знаний | Mysite

    Knowledge control Biology Grade 5 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Chemistry 8th grade Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11

  • Полезные ссылки | Mysite

    useful links Dear Colleagues! For you, I have made a selection of useful sites: City methodological community of teachers of chemistry, biology and ecology (Omsk) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren BOU DO Omsk "Children's Ecological and Biological Center" Unified collection of the Center Institute for the Development of Education of the Omsk Region RIAC of the Omsk region City resource center for informatization of education "Tutor" Pedagogical council Publishing house "September 1" Teacher portal Teacher's newspaper Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources Newtonew a piece of chalk Universarium Educational project "Lectorium" Edutainme National Society for Technology in Education Educational social network

  • Портфолио | Mysite

    ABOUT ME I love children! And this became the main thing When choosing a profession from among many, After all, since childhood, she dreamed of only one thing, - About a difficult teacher's road! Therefore, and therefore No long thoughts - And the next step There was a university! Student years They fly like a bird ... And here I am again at school - Now I'm teaching the guys! Made friends quickly With inquisitive people, Creativity for us - The process is mandatory. Such a path is lovely for disciples, When I take a look with them Actively learning and playing In "Great Biology" the country. Olympiads, contests Don't let you get bored: So many interesting things I would like to know. The classic of the "Golden Age" told “What is our life? A game!". He's right a hundred times over! The game is always side by side with the person Carries thirst and passion for knowledge! A game! Her feature is as follows: Assumes a creative goal, Gives with excitement, attracts, captivates, And creativity is the cradle of talent! Experience has shown many successes, I am sure that progress is on the face And using gaming technology, I will develop an interest in learning. (The poem was written for the competition of young teachers "Discovery" by S.E. Radzievsky and T.I. Marchenko) Media about me To read To read To read To read Читать DOWNLOAD SUMMARY To read To read

  • Лабораторные и практические работы | Mysite

    Laboratory and practical work Biology Grade 5 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Chemistry 8th grade Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11

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